Always Hit On the Wingman by JAKE
America's most trusted dating columnist with GLAMOUR Magazine
Any day is a good day when the UPS man shows-up with an unexpected package. It was the most perfect rainy day. Yes, I said perfect rainy day. I love when there's nothing on the schedule and I can just kick my feet-up and relax. All that's missing is a good book. And suddenly there's a knock at the door, but by the time I get to the door. My handsome UPS driver is long gone, but leaves my package.
OK don't get to crazy now, he knew I was home. Just a note I don;t recommend this unless you & your driver have a clear understanding. Plus you must also take into consideration the Thief. Enough about the UPS man. I already know where its from by the address on the label Conde Nast. I rip it open and see the dating book everyone has been asking for. “Always Hit On the Wingman”. Yes, I've been privilege to get first dibs on and provide my ASK KIMBERLY point of view. Now all I need are some snacks.
First some back history on Jake...
For more than fifty years, Glamour magazine's Jake columnist has served as a dating consigliere for millions of American women. Now, in his trademark no-B.S. Voice, Jake offered this indispensable guide for women. What are men really thinking? Among many other secret girl questions, I wont go into great 411 about. Jake has shared a man point of view insight, since 1956.
ASK KIMBERLY point of view...
I grab the book & immediately got comfortable to read it. Cover to cover all 191 pages of it. Anything relationships I'm all in. Its in my nature... The joyful romantic Virgo. I hadn't even got to the contents page & Jake has me laughing histrionically with his intro page: For everyone woman who's ever worn edible lingerie, Facebook-stalked a guy, or gone to bed with her phone on (just in case) and thought: There's got to be a better way. ROTFL (Rolling on the floor laughing). I can only admit to one and that's sleeping with my cell in the bed. I do it all the time & not because I'm waiting on a call. I use it as my alarm to wake-up in addition to read my scriptures first thing in the a.m. That's my story & I'm sticking to it.
I'll Call You... (Is this you ladies~View link)
On to Jake story...
To give you an idea about who Jake is, he's quite similar to Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City. There are a few differences though. Jake is kept anonymous and Jake provides a male perspective for the ladies. Jake provides real life stories, suggestions & insights to do the dating thing better. The book is filled with Aha Moments on Why you should Hit On the Wingman...and 9 other Secret Rules for getting the love life you want. There is also an essential secret on achieving that. I won't give it away, but I totally agree with Jake. Let's just say I'm that girl. Every now & then I found myself in tears laughing, because I just cant believe what women will do all in the name of LOVE. Throughout the book Jake shared some insights, so I tweeted a few with all my tweeps. Here are a few of my favorites
1. The best men don't send expensive flowers (Don't be upset you must read. Jake is keeping it real Chivalry).
2. You've got to broadcast your personality. If you're a nerd, let your nerd flag fly.
3. If he seems like a throwback, that's because he is a throwback.
4. You should fart in front of your guy just once. Just so you have the monkey off your back. (Remember Jake said this not me). I was laughing to myself for a good five minutes after I read this one.
I would love to share more with you, but I like you to experience what I experienced. I can truly say I'm really glad I'm comfortable in my own skin. Once you become the true you. You can most certainly laugh about the silly things & not take life so seriously. Embracing love is an extraordinary moment that can last a lifetime. Discovering who you are first, while connecting with someone else regardless if its for a season or a lifetime. Just enjoy the footsteps as you fall. Just when you do make sure he's the right person to catch you.
PS... As I mentioned earlier in my review Jake has been around for fifty-six-year's. Now not sure if you really got what I was saying. However let me break it down. There have been over a dozen Jakes during the years. A big part of the deal of being Jake is Jake must be single. “Always Hit On the Wingman” was written by one of the most recent. Without giving to much I'm elated to say Jake has fallen and found the perfect girl to catch him. Honestly that was the best part of reading the Wingman. Never underestimate the wingman.
Until next time live FABULOUS...
Monday, January 30, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
In reflection of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. these two words come to mind this morning. Forgiving & Forgetting. A great man who sought out the unconditional acceptance of others no matter what obstacles he encounter. Although they were high mountains to climb, his persistence in equality set the tone for freedom. Freedom to heal your heart, embrace a dream that you will not be judge by the color of your skin, but the content of your character.
On this day I honor a leader who took the steps of “Innovation” to make it a universe for all to live without judgment. I ask that you remember this day, but not forget the struggles of the past that have brought about innovation. We still have a long way to go, but greatness doesn't come easy. Continue to build your character to becoming a person of compassion, patience & grace. Look at others as unique individuals, building them up, not tearing them down by chipping away at their character.
On this day I honor a leader who took the steps of “Innovation” to make it a universe for all to live without judgment. I ask that you remember this day, but not forget the struggles of the past that have brought about innovation. We still have a long way to go, but greatness doesn't come easy. Continue to build your character to becoming a person of compassion, patience & grace. Look at others as unique individuals, building them up, not tearing them down by chipping away at their character.
The healing process of forgiving & moving forward can be the best medicine for your spirit. Holding on to angry isn't healthy nor or you harming anyone, but yourself. Usually the other person has already moved on. In the meantime you are still holding on to toxins in your body that will eventually manifest in your life. Forgiving is a cleansing process that takes time. You must often visit the incident to understand what got you to this place. Regardless if you were the victim or the victor (so to speak) you must come to peace with yourself. Moving on without having a proper burial, will only reincarnate itself in the future. There are no “Winners” in the end.
The Burial-Testimony...
Hi Kim,
It was such a pleasure sharing with you on Twitter yesterday. I'm always open to sharing my story if it will help someone. I always tell people to live your life holding a grudge, being mad, angry,bitter, and unforgiving will kill your very soul. One will become sick and unable to successfully live life to the fullest. And truthfully, it will be so hard for anyone to really
like and embrace you. I'm a witness. To answer your question I grew up hating my father he was an alcoholic who was mean, hateful, prejudice, verbally, and physically abusive at times to both my mother and my siblings. I never knew what it was like to have a father/daughter relationship like most of my friends did and that really bothered me. My parents divorced when I was 16. I was happy, yet still angry about all he put us through as a family. I'm at total peace now. Even without the relationship. I've learned to be fulfilled in Christ
in all things. Even in the most difficult times in my life.
I now see myself as a survivor (in Christ Jesus). I look back and say it all happened for many reasons. And it all has a lot to do with who I am today. I don't have to live in my yesterday at all for any reason! It's over with its dead and everyone should tell their yesterday to drop dead!
I now see myself as a survivor (in Christ Jesus). I look back and say it all happened for many reasons. And it all has a lot to do with who I am today. I don't have to live in my yesterday at all for any reason! It's over with its dead and everyone should tell their yesterday to drop dead!
I do hope my testimony will help someone to let go.
Tywana is a fellow event planner & follows me on twitter. Over the past few months she has engage in my Food for the Soul tweets & other postings. If my messages can make you take a step back , thinking of what's really important in life. Then engaging on twitter is a blessing. Tywana sharing her very personal story with me was due to a tweet I posted last week on twitter See below:
My Tweet from @weplanevents: I don't believe N holding grudges. Nothing good comes from it & its not what God desires 4U. Release/move on, but still walk N #♥ UR Thoughts
@TywanaT reply: @weplanevents some may find it hard. But, by faith you can do it. Just know its so much easier to love than it is hold a grudge & be angry.
@TywanaT reply: @weplanevents I'm a witness that life is to precious to live that way.
My reply: @TywanaT You have a testimony to share?
Now for anyone who is on twitter. You know you can only tweet 140 characters. Tywana & I had to take her message to email. Her story was so moving I just had to share with others. You can't let others blocked your blessings, unfortunately it can be members of your family. Although you will go through a deep valley . once you release all the pebbles. The mountain top is clear & bright.
Dr. Martin Luther King message embodies just that. A dedicated husband, father, leader and peace maker. That no matter what, the dream is possible. It takes a team, but begins with you. I commend Tywana for sharing her testimony. With age comes wisdom. A continued healing process over time that has made her surrender to better.
Today being a day of service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "I AM" a work in progress “Innovation”. Honoring Dr. King today is a reminder that "Change" is still needed. I'm doing my part, Will you? “Walk In Love."
If you have a testimony you like to share that set you free. Please reply to this post or email us. Your message just might give peace of mind to someone who really needs it.
Food for the Soul...Expect "Innovation." Forgiving & Forgetting can be difficult. On the other hand forgiving heals your heart while forgetting makes it available too beat to blessings instead of burdens. #growth
Until next time live FABULOUS...
Disclaimer: The testimony provided was permitted to share: by Tywana Tyler. If her story help you, please send her a Tweet. You may also view our Twitter thread dated: January 10th.
Friday, January 6, 2012
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The holidays are gone & now we can get back to the basics of everyday life. Some of us at least. For many the holidays brought on overjoyed excitement for surprise proposals and some were expected. A day many women dream of. To encounter that special moment when you find yourself saying
Yes, Yes, I'll Marry You.
Yes, Yes, I'll Marry You.
While many of us are putting the decorations away others are pulling out the bridal books in anticipation of finding that perfect wedding dress. It actually starts that quickly. After the excitement of going from a couple to a newly engaged couple speaks volumes for two they are ready to be united as one.
drezrehersal Tip... Before you start the process of viewing dresses or anything that pertains to the wedding; Set a budget. There's nothing more heart breaking to have a bride view something they just can't afford. Not a way to start the planning process. Sit down with all those who will be financially involved & create a realistic budget, that you'll be able to follow without going into debt. Seek out a professional to assist if necessary.
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Sophistication & Style with designer Jenny Lee |
the details...Now that you have a budget set. There are a few housekeeping items you should review before looking at dresses. Deciding on the ambiance & style you would like your wedding to represent. This is important in selecting the appropriate dress in keeping with the look & feel bride & groom to be desire to have for your dream wedding. Including the perfect venue location.
the drezrehersal...This wedding season you will see more bridal designs that are simple, soft & sophisticated. Wedding gowns that accentuate the bride best accents while giving her a glow that is undeniable. As a bride-to-be you'll have hundreds of options to choose from. A Fab Favorite for me this year is designer Jenny Lee. Her dresses are life changing & timeless. Life changing as you are making a leap into one of the most important decisions of your life & timeless ; you will look back on year's later not regretting the dress decision you made. Jenny's gowns are renowned for their fit and support. They are fully constructed both inside and out. Additionally, the gowns are fully lined with silk, so the bride will look & feel exceptional on her wedding day.
the I Do's... TRUST me you will immediately know when you have found thee gown for your wedding day. The feeling should be similar to how you felt when your love ask you for your hand in marriage. All warm & tingly inside filled with emotion's of tears & joy.
Its your day & your decision. Be influence by the whisper in you, not the team you brought along with you. drezrehersal Tip... Always a good idea to invite someone who isn't too critical or un-supportive of your upcoming nuptials: Mom, Best Friend & even your Wedding Planner. That's it. Too many people leave room for too many opinions, which will leave you stressed & confused.
Its your day & your decision. Be influence by the whisper in you, not the team you brought along with you. drezrehersal Tip... Always a good idea to invite someone who isn't too critical or un-supportive of your upcoming nuptials: Mom, Best Friend & even your Wedding Planner. That's it. Too many people leave room for too many opinions, which will leave you stressed & confused.
Once you make your final decision the consultants at Jenny Lee's salon will get your exact measurements, incorporate into a specialized sizing specifications to create a one-of-a-kind fit for you the bride-to-be. This is the closest to a "couture" experience a bride can get & ultimately shows in the finished product.
Let's Go Shopping... Make a day of it with your mom & best friend. Start by driving up the coast to Newport Beach. First stop; Jenny Lee Bridal at Crystal Cove Promenade. After having your breath taking away by viewing her beautiful gowns. Then have a nice lunch on the promenade while enjoying a chilled glass of champagne in celebration of finding the perfect dress you'll say I Do in. To make sure you receive the VIP treatment at any bridal salon, always schedule an appointment before hand. The day is so special you want to make sure you receive the intimate experience you deserve.
Take a sneak peek at Jenny Lee
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"Sophisticated" |
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"Soft" |
Are you READY to say YES to the dress?
Jenny Lee Bridal
949. 376. 8100
7942 East Coast Hwy , Newport Beach, CA 92657
*Bridal images compliments of Jenny Lee Bridal
Sunday, January 1, 2012
I decree you a "HAPPY NEW YEAR"
I pray that everyone had a beautiful & safe New Year's Eve. As an Event Planner I produce many events throughout the year. For the past few years I have personally decided to bring in the New Year with the one person who “ALWAYS” has my back, continuing to feed my spirit even when I want to push the plate away. Most of you know my motto for life is "Living everyday like a FABULOUS Party". Contrary to belief this doesn't mean partying 24-7, but living an abundant lifestyle in “JOY”. In order for Joy to be a constant provision for me I most certainly need the correct tools to guide me throughout the year. These tools consist of my relationship with God which in turn helps me with my relationships with clients, loves one, friends & associates. On occasion my events fall on Sunday's, but when I'm not working I definitely make it a point to nourish my craving for the word & attend church. Sometimes on Sunday & many times Tuesday & Wednesday night Bible Study. When I can't attend I will watch my home church online and even DVR Joel Osteen.
Ringing in the New Year praying & fellowship at West Angeles COGIC ; Watch Night Service. This is my decision & doesn't take away from choices others make to bring in the New Year how they see fit. Bringing me to my point of creating your own destiny. Create the path in life you would like to take & not follow others footsteps. Be the creator of your own destiny, for you were born alone & will leave this earth alone. A quote I often say & live by. “Don't be a Carbon Copy. Be You, Be Unique, Be a Individual ”. What God has for you is for you. Let know one steer you away from your dreams. Center yourself around positive individuals that will uplift you while also guiding you on a road of excellence. If you haven't done so yet. Evaluate those energy drainers who want to steal your “JOY”. Take a close look there are lots of impostors who are the silent Rah Rah cheerleaders. Make a change today & place them on the bench for good. In order to move forward you often must evaluate where you are in life. If something is holding you back its time to make a trade. The trade is your destiny for a better future. I believe today is that day. I see you in the future & you look much better.
“My experiences change my perception”.
Evangelist Joyce Rogers
My motto for 2012~ My Destiny ~
Create the blueprint for your success...For the past 5 years I sought out a theme song. This song is similar to a intro for a show. Your life your show, so you would need a song right? Selecting the perfect song is important, as you will need to listen to it for 12 months. Over & Over. The selection must also be uplifting & apply to all areas needed for whatever comes your way. Good, Bad or Indifferent. It must do the trick, while placing you back on the road to excellence. This year “My Destiny” is planned out; literally. Destiny Board set in place where I will view everyday as a reminder to the navigation I need to follow for “2012”. Some items are action goals while others are destiny goals immediate & future. I am the creator & will hold myself accountable while in constant communication with the whisper from my spiritual navigation.
My Destiny 2012 Theme Song
The Best Is Yet To Come~Donald Lawrence
Food for the Soul... God never abandons a dream.
The promise is still in you! Look ahead in faith and begin to live out the destiny he has for you.
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