Going about your day requires patience & grace. Patience that you won't encounter some knucklehead to ruffle your feathers. Grace that you know how to handle without re-acting if it should happen. Part of my daily prayer always includes asking God to continue guiding me in the right direction that is his will for me along with patience, grace and hope. I started to really think about that those words that have consistently been the recipe for my day-to-day. Now, I know the world isn't always peaches and cream. Although that would be super sweet if it was. So when the peach goes bad & the cream goes sour. Who Do You Turn To?
Your first instinct may be to call a good friend. Take a deep breath so you're thinking clearly and not re-acting to the situation at hand. You should be careful who you share your thoughts with especially when everything is a big blur. Taking a timeout to re-gain your thoughts will provide you some solitude in what to do next. Having a confidant you can turn to is great. Having someone who has your best interest at all times is priceless. I had a moment in time yesterday that I needed to take my own advice. Instead of leaping out to a friend I knew there was a better way to handle what I was feeling & the relief I needed. Something I tell myself daily is: Let No One Steal Your Joy. But, we're human & although I try to live a stress free life thinking happy thoughts throughout the day. The mood does shift from time to time. Where Should I Turn? PRAYER... In my moment of praying for answers with the situation I was dealing with. I had an Aha Moment of "TRUST". Trusting in God, that the exact issue I was upset about was something I had been praying on consistently for the past month. Not recognizing it at the time, this is exactly what I ask God for. And finally he answered my prayer just on his timeline. Placing trust in God that he will provide you the answers when the time is right. The word trust came over me seven times over. Re-evaluating what had taken place by just breathing, centering myself to think logically. To then realize I hadn't applied the three words I always include in my prayers everyday and yes the first thing I wanted to do was call a girlfriend just to vent. Life comes with challenges and what may be monumental to us is a piece of cake to God. Trust in him to navigate you through the bad traffic of life.
To my surprise when I called one friend she didn't answer. I started to call another, but was interrupted by a incoming call. The funny thing is I know God intervene at both times guiding me to seek him. My Aha Moment of this story is TRUST. Placing your trust in God & not man. Friends, Family, Associates & Relationships will disappoint you. God will never disappoint you, lead you down the wrong path or give you bad advice. In no way Am I saying friends give you bad advice, but at times you're seeking a conflict of interest advice. Trusting takes 100% commitment and no one has your back more than GOD. You may be in the middle of a life challenge now or face one in the future. How the recipe turns out depends on if you use the right ingredients. The recipe is TRUSTING in God. To do this calls for Guidance, Grace, Patience and Obedience in seeking God's will. Trust God and not Man to guide you through the perfect recipe. We all have minor hiccups in life its part of growing and becoming a better you. I'm back on my square and ready to get in the game called life. There's a reason for In God We Trust being placed on our currency. If you know the reason why, please share by commenting below or should you had an Aha Moment we love to hear your story.
drezrehersal Tip... Life Lesson I learned today is that it takes year's to gain trust and just a single moment to destroy it. Place your trust in God's hands for he will never forsake you or betray you by sharing what you bring to him in "TRUST".
Food for the Soul...
Psalm 12:6: The Lord's promise are pure, like silver refined in a furnace purified seven time over.
Psalm 13:5-6: But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me.
Psalm 37:4: Take delight in the Lord , and he will give you your hearts desires.
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