Monday, December 27, 2010


Less than a week left until its "2011"  What are you changing if anything at all? Change is good and there's no time like the present to make re-writes in your life. Why do I say re-writes? Well life is much like a movie, a true story which you are the lead cast member. Every movie has a storyline sometimes its a feel good , action, love story, drama & even a thriller. First step to a movie is the writer. There must be a writer to get the storyline going. Once the script is complete you need to pitch it to the studios, then start the casting process that also includes who the director & producer will be. Does any of this sound familiar yet? Let no one write your movie but you, it's your life & your journey. Should you decide you want a feel good movie with a love story ending or do you prefer lots of drama that can ultimately be a thriller in the end? Create a vision board & set goals for where you like your life to be. Start small & do 2-3 yrs out and once you get the hang of it re-write do long term 5-7 yrs. If you can see it daily you'll be able to envision the storyline even more.

Who's the Director of Your Life?
Recently I watched the WIZ for the umpteenth time. One of my childhood favorite movies, which brings back feel good feelings, since my Nana took me to see it when I was about 10 or 11 yrs old. The first time seeing it I didn't quite understand it completely, but loved the music & storyline & hearing Diane Ross singing When I Think of Home. I get chills every time I hear that song very powerful. If you really listen to the words it says a lot. The older I got the more & more that song meant to me. That you could achieve & be anything in life if only you Believe. The WIZ is a perfect movie if you are trying to Take Your Power Back. Cast: Dorothy-Wanted to get Back Home ;Scarecrow- Wanted a Brain; Tin Man- Wanted a Heart; The Lion- Wanted Courage. Long story short in the end they had everything they needed all along, but just took sometime to BELIEVE.

So let's review: The Writer: (You) Producer: (You setting goals)  Director: Following God's footsteps & not mans footsteps and Cast: Surrounding yourself with like minded individuals who are on the same path as you. There's an old saying my mother use to tell me. You are the company you keep. If you want better you must allow yourself to be better. It's OK if something isn't working, just know when its time to move on & end the sequel. Create a movie of substance that you can be proud of & want to re-wind ,play all the time. Those are the movies to be cherished that you can always pull out watch over & over. Just as I do with the WIZ- I learn something new each & every time I watch it.

"2010" The End! ~ "2011 The Beginning"

Our Remaining Ten Lifestyle Reading Favorites for "2011"~On
 Taking Your Power Back!

11.  The Audacity of Hope:
Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream 
~Barack Obama

12.  Peace from Broken Pieces:
How to Get Through What You're Going Through
      ~ Iyanla Vanzant

13.  Tapping the Power Within:
A Path to Self-Empowerment for Women 
~ Iyanla Vanzant

14.  8 Steps to Create the Life You Want:
The Anatomy of a Successful Life (Faith Words)
       ~ Creflo Dollar

15.  Winning in Troubled Times:
God's Solutions for Victory Over Life's Toughest Challenges
       ~Creflo Dollar

16.  Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out
~ Phillip C. McGraw

17.  The Power of the Platform: Speakers On Success 
~ Les Brown, Jack Canfield & Various Authors

18.  Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind
~ Joyce Meyer

19.  The Secret: The Power ~ Rhonda Byrne

20.  Never Give Up!:
Relentless Determination to Overcome Life's Challenges 
        ~ Joyce Meyer

drezrehersal Bonus READ... Whether you're a Mother, Sister, Daughter, Single or Married, the Women's Devotional Bible is daily inspiration for you. There's something special for you each day of the week and on the weekend you come to a short reflective piece. True stories offered by various women that will not only encourage you, but give
you direct'ion for following God's Footsteps.
There is also a Men's Devotional Bible available.

All of the above books can be purchase on Amazon directly from the comfort of your home or office. To read Part I of Taking Your Power Back & view our first ten
Lifestyle Reading Favorites for "2011".

drezrehersal Tip... Should you decide you want to "Take Your Power Back", it may require you to re-evaluate some of the relationships in your life. It doesn't mean you don't LOVE them it just means you LOVE yourself more. Know the decision you are making is placing you in charge of your movie & you as the writer have the "POWER" to change the storyline as you see fit.

We wish you a Blessed, Safe, Prosperous New Year & offer you faith on your journey to greatness. Everyday will not be a great day, however if you apply some of the tools & readings we offered you'll be able to tackle any obstacle along the way & triumph the blessings God wants all of us to have.


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