Sunday, November 7, 2010

One Daughter's Message to Finding Closer...

God has a season for everything. You go through life with dreams & aspirations for your future believing having faith that one day it shall come to path. Life comes with disappointments but its life altering moments that make you stronger & hopefully you're able to move forward. Growing up our parents should protect us from the evilness of life, they are there to mold you to be the best woman/man you could be. Not expecting the worse, but hoping for the best protecting us from day one. As an infant they watch you take your first crawl, then your first step, then hear you say your first word. Every little thing you do that's your first; so adorable, so cute, memories that will be embedded over a lifetime. They want to share it all with the world because you are their most precious gift .

drezrehersal Tip... Closer can be very healthy.
In order to move forward in life-sometimes you
need to leave the past behind. Find Closer so you're
able to continue on your journey through life.

Phase I: Dropping you off at kindergarten really not wanting to let you go a tear drops from your mothers eyes-you say mommy whats wrong oh sweetie nothing at all mommy just has something in her eye. The mother tells her daughter have a good day I'll be back at 1:00 pm to pick you up. Little does she know you never left the school grounds sitting, waiting & watching her footsteps for that first day of kindergarten.

Phase II: Now it's time for elementary; you're a little more at ease but the pain of letting her go once again isn't easy. You go through all the do's & dont's telling her make sure you pay attention to the teacher , be on your best behavior, make mommy proud. Watching your children grow can be the most precious gift in life especially when the parents are their 100%. You go to your parents for guidance, direction & un-conditional love. What happens when that suddenly stops your love one is no longer there? Your chapter isn't quite complete yet, you have more phases of your life that parent/love one is unable to see; high school, college even your wedding day. Those milestones moments you reach in life wishing your love one could be there to share are suddenly no longer.

The older you become you question God's reason for taking your love one away. Why you ask over & over? There is a season for everything & what you didn't understand as a young child, as an adult you now get it. You weren't being punished it was just that parent or love one season. Although in the physical presence they are no longer there~In spirit they are still there 100% just like they were when you took your first step. Memories are just that a precious gift that is given to you from God. Hold it close & dear to your heart for the presence will always be with you as you continue on your journey through life.

We are all here for only a short time. Live life to the fullest tell those who are closest to you just how much they mean to you. Whether if its I love you or telling them something special that made an impression in your life. It only takes a minute & they can be gone so quickly. Here today gone tomorrow will you be at peace? Only to think if I just had more time, I never got a chance to tell them just how much they meant to me. Don't let your pride get in the way, if you have something to say Do It Now~Say It Now. And know that once you do; you, he or she will no longer wonder what they meant to you. You'll be at peace knowing that everything  you shared will be an embedded memory for a lifetime until you meet again.

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