Friday, July 16, 2010


In the Beginning... Kesha & Eugene

The Beginning of Chocolate LOVE~ Kesha Monk, planning a New York wedding while living in Chicago and her fiance' Eugene living in Los Angeles was no easy task. They both depended on the Internet in search of wedding resources for their nuptials; while eagerly viewing site after site Kesha quickly learned there was a tremendous void in the wedding marketplace. The void was: extreme difficulty finding anything that truly represented her as a bride of color. Several mainstream wedding websites were unable to provide the newly engaged coupled wedding inspiration that would specifically represent the two of them and their culture. I'm a huge advocate that sometimes you need to create your own destiny and not wait on others to pave the way for you. Kesha was just as determined to create the link, that was a missing void in a multi-million dollar industry. A place where many flavors of chocolate could come search, create and share lasting memories of a very special day~ Their Wedding Day.

Chocolate Brides was born...
Husband & Wife Team~Kesha Monk & Eugene Myrick is the #1 bridal on-line destination for African American women. Chocolate Brides often form lasting friendships that extend beyond the wedding. They have quickly become a multi-platform destination point for the African American bridal community. CB affords women the opportunity to keep journals in categories such as bridal planning, personal, pregnancy, house hunting, weight loss, etc. CB mission is to not only assist with the wedding planning process, but to help women connect with one another and the world around them.

drezrehersal Event Planning and Lifestyle Co. is proud to be part of the movement, as we are a resident contributing Blogger and Kimberly Clark the creative mind & producer of drezrehersal Event Planning and Lifestyle Co also has a weekly Wedding Wednesday column called ASK KIMBERLY! Should any Bride or Groom have a wedding , event or lifestyle question? They can email us and we'll post the answer anonymously at the following Wedding Wednesday.

Chocolate Brides is paving the way that African American women come in variety of shades and flavors. And are beautiful , educated ,confident and OH YES we do get married and make beautiful Chocolate Brides regardless of the flavor. It's not about being separate , but equal across the board, this applies to Networks, Reality TV and Magazines just to name a few. Congratulations to Chocolate Brides & Essence for allowing the Founder Kesha Monk to share the birth of Chocolate Brides , now the #1 African American destination on-line website. Why Chocolate Brides? Find out on Kudos Essence for continuing to showcase the true Essence of Pure Black Love.

A Message from the Founder Kesha Monk

The nucleus of the Chocolate Brides brand is, has and will always be the message board. We have transformed into a full blown, worldwide movement. We feel EXTREMELY blessed to have had the opportunity to virtually witness so many women become engaged, get married, purchase homes, have children & become entrepreneurs. God has blessed us EVEN MORE by planting the seeds of this sisterhood with thousands of bright, goal oriented, positive, loving Chocolate women from all over this planet which in turn, fuels this website daily.

Our Motto... “Chocolate Brides is more than a website, we’re FAMILY!” but now we feel that Chocolate Brides is more than family….it’s a MOVEMENT! It is obvious to all who visit ,that we're not  just about weddings. We are about promoting loving marriages, building friendships and supporting one another through the highs and lows of life. without a doubt, is the most compelling website on the Internet not just brides, but wives, mothers-well…..just WOMEN! (and men too! ☺)

Come see what Chocolate love is all about and if you love the site you'll like Chocolate Brides to Chocolate Bonds - THE EVOLUTION on Facebook.