How do you handle a close friends jealously now that you are planning your wedding and not much free time to hangout.?
If she's a true friend then you must sit down with her and talk it out-extend an olive branch. Alot of time goes into planning a wedding and often you don't have as much time as you used to and friends can fell a little isolated. Your focus has become planning your special day and spending time with your fiance and new family. If you truly value her as friend then let her know its nothing personal, however your responsibilities have shifted a bit and she should support and be happy for you as a friend. Your status has change from fiancee to bride-to-be and how important that is to you.
Although you will be married soon, she is still your friend and you will most definitely make time for her. Another olive branch is to ask her to assist you with some details on your wedding. This will let her know you are committed to the friendship and how important she is , that you felt comfortable enough to asked her to assist in your special day.
the I Do's: Once you say I Do your are in the honeymoon stages. Blissfully Happy. Please make sure not to forget you are separate people and each have different interest's. Some will be the same and some wont. If you isolate your friends during this time. When you really need them, they wont be there for you. You are now Mrs. ________, but you still should have your own identity. Love and respect your husband and the union you two have joined, but don't forget about your true friends who were there for you when you were single & searching.
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