Twenty-Twelve is almost to a close for some that means it's time to make promises to yourself, resolutions to the universe, or adding new and improved lifestyle goals to twenty-thirteen's agenda. For others it's a time of soul searching and cleansing. Where do you stand as of today? I must say for myself this was a year of renewed spirit, re-discovery, obstacles, and tested blessings. Tested Blessings are things, situations, and people God wants you to see. Life isn't perfect and on a occasion the universe will show you just that. How you deal with it can be seen as a blessing or barrier. Opening yourself up to the blessing of making changes is God's way of offering a subtle whisper. Ignoring the whisper only makes the sound louder.
This year I not only had several plans re-routed, but also monumental changes to key individuals in my circle. While re-positioning my team, I also had to be a supportive associate, partner, friend, sister, daughter and most importantly "Child of God" just to name a few. As various blocks were removed from my life, I also came to realization that this was a year of re-structuring. Re-structuring is a blessing from God for you to re-build the foundation. When your foundation isn't strong the structure will start to slip and if you're building a structure on a high mountain over looking the most beautiful existence of landscape. That's a pretty high fall to take without the right team.
Location, Location, Location...
In order to position yourself on the right location it may call for a new construction team to design the future-scape you so desire. In doing that comes with consequences; Consequences that associates, friends, and family may not understand. But it order to have a well diverse team that supports the foundation, YOU the owner must make changes that not every one agrees with. As we're going about our day-to-day in life one must keep in mind one word- "LIFE." It is your life and you can only live it for two people yourself and God. This is why it's important to have a productive, positive team in place who supports you immensely. Through the clear sunny days, cloudiness, fogginess, and turbulent storms.

God will often take you through what doesn't feel good to receive something far greater. Although directions are giving along the way, God's Positioning Satellite (GPS) may not always be followed. Life is about having the right seeds to plant to produce a harvest of substantial blessings. If there is a bad seed planted during your season, you'll need to dig deep and start from scratch. Starting from scratch is a phenomenal opportunity to get things right. Right equals re-setting the navigation, Right is having another chance to re-plant better seeds, Right is God's way of saying "I love you", Right is re-routing while aligning the tools to create a harvest that you "RIGHTFULLY" deserve. As we say good-bye to twenty-twelve do not feel guilty about leaving the bad seeds behind. Twenty-Thirteen is the beginning of a New Season. In order to produce the harvest you desire its time to plant seeds that produce growth.
Soulful Reminder: Luke 8:15 And the seeds that feel on the good soil represent honest, good hearted people who hear God's word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest. (Holy Bible NLT, 2007).
You can't excel to the next level without passing the test and passing the test always comes with a Testimony. Share your testimony with our readers so they may experienced a year of substantial harvest in "Twenty-Thirteen 2013."
Until next time (2013) live FABULOUS...