Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This Just In... "I LOVE CHOCOLATE"

This Just In... I have been ask to be a contributing Blogger for ChocolateBrides.Com , the #1 bridal online destination for African American women. Chocolate Brides have quickly become a multi-platform destination point for the African American bridal community. There mission is not only to assist with the wedding planning process, but to help women connect with one another and the world around them. We're not just a website, we're FAMILY! And we're not just family, we're a MOVEMENT!

I will Blog every Wednesday, which in Social Media it's considered #Wedding Wednesday. The prefect day I thought for future brides to visit the website and get the latest on the details...the drezrehersal...the I Do's of weddings, events and lifestyle planning.

Have a wedding, event or lifestyle question?  Don't worry, just leave the details to us. You'll have the opportunity to ASK KIMBERLY! Just email your question and I'll post the answer anonymously at: the following week.  Remember to live everyday like it's a FABULOUS Party.