Sunday, October 31, 2010


This post is inspired from a recent interview Rihanna gave to Marie Claire UK for their December issue. Rihanna reveals in a cover story in the December 2010 issue of Marie Claire UK. Access Hollywood reported that she told the magazine, "I feel like I smile for real this time. The smiles come from inside, and it exudes in everything I do. People feel my energy is different. When I smile they can tell that it's pure bliss and not just a cover up."

in Marie Clarie UK Dec Issue
"I Smile For Real Now"
I'm truly happy for Rihanna in expressing to the world just how she feels after going through probably one of the most difficult times in life.  Although Rihanna is in the public limelight and many think they deserve to know her every move; simply not true. A entertainer by profession but when the the studio session is over, awards shows are a wrap and you're trying to go on with your normal day-day activity, she is still human. Someone who has happy times as well as disappointing moments. We all go through trails & tribulations over our lifetime hers was/is just magnified by the media, which makes it even more difficult.

That's why I'm inspired to write I Can Smile Again. Who doesn't want to smile everyday? What does that exactly mean? For me its a no brainier something I choose to do without any excuses or negativity by those who want to be the victim in life. I've expressed in a past drezrehersal Tip... Know your "WORTH"only you can put a determination on whats real & whats counterfeit. Everything that glitters isn't always gold. Often times we judge ones life by what we see on the outside, however what may look all put together on the outside, could very well be broken on the inside. You never know what goes on behind closed doors for there are a lot of people who are living a counterfeit life.

Of course I go through challenges in life , but it makes me want to excel & push life obstacles back even harder. I refuse to be a victim of fear, anger, anxiety, lack or hopelessness. I thrive on "FAITH", "HOPE", "CONFIDENCE", "JOY", "GRACE" and favorable blessings of "PEACE" in my life. My ultimate source of my destined direction is provider by a higher power & for that I Can Smile knowing he will never forsake me; stand by me through the good times of life & hold me-up during the difficult moments. We all have them so trust that you Can Smile Again when you are at your darkest moment & have faith that, this too shall pass.

drezrehersal Tip... Obstacles are only Hiccups. Take a sip of "FAITH" and say this too shall pass and move on.
We welcome your comments, please share if you have ever encounter an obstacle in life & how you persevered through it. You sharing your story can definitely help someone, who may be climbing an up-hill battle.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Celebrate Romance... Destination Weddings


Celebrate Romance those two words can mean a great deal. Celebrate: To make famous; to mark by ceremony, as an event or festival. Romance: Story depending mainly on love interest; romantic spirit or quality ; composition sentimental and expressive in character. Definition by Websters Dictionary 1980 Edition. I think I need to purchase a new dictionary because these definitions are boring. Neither the less Celebrate Romance to me is Honoring of Life, Love & Laughter regardless if you are in a relationship or not. You have the option to celebrate being single, celebrate being engaged or celebrate being married. It's completely up to you too "Celebrate Life to the Fullest".

Celebrate Romance is a private invitation only media & market event hosted by Destination Weddings & Honeymoons. The event was held at the Beverly Hills Hotel and invited guests were some of the best industry professionals in the business of media consisting of editors, writers, travel agents and wedding planners. This year's event was presented by the Mexico Tourism Board & some of the finest wedding destination locations participated. A true professional wants to continue perfecting his/her craft and one thing I truly believe in no matter how many events we do. It's a must & requirement to continue offering my clients the best experience & service possible.

Destination Weddings are on the rise and you too can have your dream wedding without breaking the bank. Envision the Day: Bride & Groom , wedding party and guests all arriving at the airport greeted with a signature couples cocktail welcoming them to the Future Mr. & Mrs. ______________ Destination Wedding location. Yes, a pre-celebration glimpse into what all is to come on one of the most spectacular days in life~"Your Wedding Day". This moment in time can be at a beautiful beach resort in Puerto Rico, or Tahiti where the views are breathtaking & the clear blue beaches are un-believable.Want more? Please contact us for your complimentary consultation, so we may assist with your dream ;provide you the vision and make your spectacular day into a reality.

drezrehersal Event Planning & Lifestyle Co. was asked a few questions by John Goolsby of GODFATHER FILMS. John and his team were their to captured the evening festivities. If you don't know... John is the Who's Who in Videography. John a professional storyteller of video and one of the Top 25 Videographers in the world. Yes, I said the WORLD. As I sign off remember should you hire an event professional for your destination wedding, please consider a certified planner who has well knowledge of the location and logistics for that particular area. It will be well worth it in the end.

Bon Voyage...

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Day in the Life of an Event Planner ~GLAMOUR MAGAZINE


It was a privilege to take part in & test drive the New Balance collection simply perfect for a Day In the Life of an Event Planner. My lifestyle is running around town with passion & love on a daily basis whether it's handling event business for my clients are just doing the normal day-day errands for myself, which consist of shopping, working out or just hanging with my girls. It's all relevant to my lifestyle. You will see a story of a Day in the Life of an Event Planner- where you are able to have a brief inside look at how Kimberly Clark, Wedding & Event Producer manages her day-day agenda. Get a peek of the video that was sent to GLAMOUR Magazine and see some of the images provided by SIPPER Photography who shadow and capture day-day business for drezrehersal Event Planning & Lifestyle Co.

A Day in the Life of an Event Planner

The shoes are FANTASTIC!!! Honestly, not just because I received the New Balance shoes complimentary, but as a Style Glamnista they are more than just for working out. The shoes are stylish and absolutely light weight. I have never EVER purchase a pair of sports shoes, that I would want to wear everyday like these. Anyone & everyone who knows me, knows I'm always in heels. The candy coated aqua color vibrant and there wasn't one place I visited where at least two people ask me who shoes are those there beautiful.

My career, which I call a PARTY requires a lot of walking , moving around, up-down designing, styling, running from one location to another (Literally at times). These are definitely becoming part of my team dress attire prior to the event. As I visited clients, vendors throughout several days it really felt as if I had no shoes on. Typically I wear flip flops while driving, because other sports shoes I worn were so heavy and if you know anything about Los Angeles traffic; you are frequently making; stop-go-stops. By the end of the day your calves & ankles are killing you just by lifting your heel up to brake often. I also hate seeing women with scuffed up shoes, so I protect mine by wearing flips flops and then changing when at destination. "Just Me".

Photography By: SIPPER Photography

Setting-Up for Client "Couples" Preview
Photography By: SIPPER Photography

Lounging at my Design Studio
DESIGNED Floral Art Studio

the details of Tasting Yummy Desserts at
Big Sugar BakeShop
What a hard job I have

the details...of
drezrehersal Event Planning & Lifestyle Co
at Big Sugar BakeShop

the I Do's... of
drezrehersal Event Planning & Lifestyle Co.
at R'Mine Bridal

the details... of
drezrehersal Event Planning & Lifestyle Co.

the drezrehersal... of
drezrehersal Event Planning & Lifestyle Co.

Taking time out the day to workout. A MUST!
I usually have two workouts for the day one in the morning another in the evening, consisting of cardio, running along with yoga , sexy Pilate's & pole dancing (my new workout of choice). Running in the shoes was like running on air free flowing tranquility. I often hate running as I could never find a sports shoe that didn't feel like I was always wearing weights. I'm enjoying running more now due to the TrueBalance Toning Collection. When I go to my Pole Dancing class which requires no shoes , you required to place your shoes & personal belongings in this little cubicle. I'm like Awe I want to wear my shoes in the class. All the Ladies are eying them; Those are so cute where did you get them? In my humorous voice I say "OK when I take my shoes off & place them in the cubicle if there gone I know you have them". LOL. I'm 5'6 & I noticed when wearing the shoes my balance is more steady , body feels leaner. I really noticed after viewing the photos I looked much taller. Bonus points. It really does give you structure in just a few days. Mind Over Matter?- I don't think so something magical has definitely happen by trying out the New Balance Toning Collection and I LOVE IT...

Couture Bouquet by: DESIGNED Floral Art Studio
I  visited one of my clients and she ask me; so where's my shoes? We laughed, then decided they would be a great bridesmaids gift as my client is a avid softball player ,her girls would never expect a gift such as this,however would really, really appreciate. You'll notice one of the photos has a beautiful bouquet , which we're always thinking out the box and it works perfectly for a centerpiece for clients who are sports fans. Not so much for a wedding, but a Bridal Shower or Engagement Party. It's all in the presentation. It ties in something about the couple and makes the event an experience, which we strive for. The New Balance shoes were just that, a beautiful experience that has change my daily lifestyle in addition to my body to be a better me for my clients myself and my team.

To learn more about the New Balance amazing "TrueBalance Toning Collection" and where you can test drive them view the link and be on your way to a better lifestyle for you & your body. Look chic and fit with less gym time? Now that’s fashion-forward toning! Please come back & share your comments and feel free to email me photos. Maybe you'll be featured on the details...the drezrehersal...the I Do's...

You can't deny they look Good...
Go Test Drive for yourself  NOW!
Many Thanks: to New Balance- you have made my lifestyle much more rewarding and a girl is even happier when her feet are feeling footloose & fancy free and looking oh so SEXY at the same time. Special Thanks to Big Sugar BakeShop, R'Mine Bridal, My design team over at DESIGNED Floral Art Studio, Jeff and Dana from SIPPER Photography and last but not least the drezrehersal team. Kudos to Adrienne Denise a member of our team who shadow and assisted throughout the couple of days. Event Planning is more than just a PARTY its an experience we work extremely hard at to give 100% value to our clients. It's a team effort and I'm truly blessed to work with some of the BEST industry professionals in the business. Now what do I always SAY??? Let's hear it. Live everyday like its a FABULOUS Party...