Monday, September 10, 2012

Accessorizing for Fall...


 GLAM ALERT...Fashion & Beauty has been in my blood since I was nine. Over the years my career has taken me on non-stop fashion show of luxurious traveling to all the major fashion & retail markets. No wonder I continue to find myself back in the midst of it. As Glamour Magazine Los Angeles Glambassador, and Fashion & Beauty Editor for Trendsetter to Trendsetter Magazine, in addition to being the GLAM CEO of drezrehersal Lifestyle., a couture events & public relations boutique.  I'm always looking for unique statement pieces for clients & photo shoots. 

Recently, I was approached by Chloe & Isabel to be their tastemaker go to girl for the lalaland area.  Seeing that I was already a huge fan of the line, in addition to utilizing for many of our Stylist On Call shoots, it was a perfect match to add the line to our list of services.  If you know one thing about me; this girl can't pass up an accessory that makes you take a second look, while providing you a unique style.  The exquisite line isn't just any line, but a sassy, classy, and eclectic selection of extraordinary pieces.  Don't just take my word for it, as I'm sure you've seen such celebrities as: Twilight‘s, Ashley Greene, who looked absolutely stunning on the cover of Lucky’s March issue wearing c + i  Pave Spike Pendant,  and of course we can't forget Glamour Magazine recent issue featuring c + i the Baguette Flower Studs next to the gorgeous Rachel McAdams , as part of their “power-babe” look. Love it! You too can have the celebrity red carpet look for a fraction of the price and the best part of c + i jewelry line is: It has a lifetime guarantee.

What I'm GLAMING for Fall accessories..
Bold Chunky Cuff Bracelets

Timeless Pieces that transition from Fall to Winter

 "Elegance is not being  noticed it's being Remembered." c + i
To start your Stylist On Call shopping experience, please view our drezrehersal store.

Until next time live FABULOUS... 

*drezrehersal available for GLAM Shows.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Twenty Two Days of Blessings...#22daysofblessings

Although, this quote is extremely profound.
There is an alternate answer. STRONG: Stop turning to self and turn to God

Let the countdown begin... Today is the beginning of Fall in addition to the countdown of a very special day. If you've followed my Blog this post comes as no surprise, however for those that are new here let me share what usually happens during the month of September. 

In the past I've shared a Birthday love letter to myself  reflecting on the year whether if its good, bad or indifferent. September provides me an opportunity to evaluate life desires, dreams, and ultimate destiny to reflect, release, and  begin again; as its a new season. The evaluation soothes my soul while opening up an opportunity for others to engage, while sharing their triumphs or struggles.

This past year has been a time of happiness, disappointments, but in the end magnifying life lessons. Today begins a new chapter where I'm creating the storyline that can end anyway I desire. Through the process I'll consult with one chief to guide my footsteps along the
way for it is he who keeps me strong to pursue the greatest gift of all.  Over the next twenty two days my gift to self  is the most precious gift God has provided me: the manual that makes this thing called life all worth wild. 

Come along with me on this journey as I share #22daysofblessings via Twitter: @weplanevents @_Kimberly_Clark  with some of my favorites passages, Aha Moments, Gods Whisper, and original Food for the Soul quotes by me.  The universe has a unique way of showing you a preview of life occurrences, but don't get to comfortable because the storyline can be altered at any given time. Just when you think you're headed in one direction, the universe flips the script rewriting a new beginning. The lesson in it all trust God.

Reminder: It wouldn't be #22daysofblessings if we didn't share the message, so please feel free to Retweet (RT) or reply with a personal message or words of encouragement that just may be a blessing to someone else.  To further keep the blessing moving,  please include the following hashtag with tweet #22daysofblessings.

#22daysofblessings Day 1: Psalm 22:9  "Yet you brought me safely from my mother's womb and led me to trust you at my mothers breast." "I was thrust  into your arms at my birth." NLT

Until next time live FABULOUS...

*To view previous years birthday letters place the title in the search box.